Couples Massage

Massage can be a very relaxing and healing experience. Unsurprisingly, many wish to share that experience with their loved ones. As a result, couples massage is getting more and more popular, and there’s a lot of reasons why.

Read on to find out what a couples massage is, what happens during one, and who it’s good for.

What Happens During a Couples Massage?

Couples massage involves two people — partners or very close friends — getting a massage simultaneously. Since this is the center point of the experience, many factors can easily be changed to suit the clients.

Couples massage can be full body, deep tissue, Nuru, Asian, or any other type. That fact makes its benefits versatile but also makes the massage harder to define. However, a couple (pun intended) of things set this massage apart from the rest.

Namely, the massage features two clients and two massage therapists. As a result, both clients can decide which massage type works best for them and tailor the experience to their needs.

Couples massage is also uniquely good for stress relief, as you’re not only getting a massage — you’re doing so with someone you love and care for.

No matter what type of massage you get, you’re in for relaxation, pain and stress relief, and good chemicals flowing through your body and to your brain.

Who Is a Couples Massage For?

Couples massage will be great for most couples, but certain factors will make it even more enjoyable for you and your partner.

Couples that work stressful jobs or face a lot of stress at home because of young children will love the relaxing atmosphere and experience provided by the massage.

Those who spend a lot of time exercising or, conversely, work desk jobs for long hours will see benefits no matter which massage type is chosen, as they all alleviate pain and tension.

If stress or chronic pain is putting tension on your relationship, a couples massage can help with the cause and the symptoms. You’ll leave feeling relaxed and stress-free, and on top of that, the experience will help you bond and deepen your relationship.

Finally, couples that want to spend time together without clutter, chatter, or excessive activity will enjoy the relaxing date provided by a couples massage.


Couples massage is a fantastic option for anyone looking for some relaxing, quality time with their partner. Your body, mind, soul, and relationship will all thank you for the experience.

If we’ve piqued your interest and you think a couples massage is right for you and your partner, you can book one with us at AsianMassage2Hotel and receive one from the best luxury Asian massage therapists in Vegas.